Sunday, January 26, 2020

Tamarind is a tropical fruit, Bangalore,India

Ripe tamarind on the neighbour's tree Am a total sucker for tamarind. From the time I was a child I have enjoyed any form of tamarind and when the airlines started giving out tamarind sweets that was the ultimate. No trip to the Far East was without searching for a bag of tamarind sweets or a bag of the deliciously sweet tamarind, found in the Bangkok especially. It has and always will be a big weak spot with me. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a leguminous tree bearing edible fruit that is indigenous to tropical Africa and obviously was brought here by some intrepid explorer. The genus Tamarindus is monotypic, meaning that it contains only this species. The tamarind tree produces pod-like fruit that contains a brown, edible pulp used in cuisines around the world
A baby seedling of the tamarind The Tamarind is a type of tropical fruit and is used in many dishes around the world. It also has medicinal properties which are being explored.The Tamarind is a hardwood tree known scientifically as Tamarindus indica. It's native to Africa but also grows in India, Pakistan and many other tropical regions. The tree produces brown bean-like pods filled with seeds surrounded by a fibrous pulp. The pulp of the young fruit is green and sour. As it ripens, the juicy pulp becomes paste-like and more sweet-sour. Interestingly, tamarind is sometimes referred to as the "Date of India."
Tons of fruit on one branch Tamarind pulp is widely used for cooking in South and Southeast Asia, Mexico, the Middle East and the Caribbean. The seeds and leaves are also edible. It is used in sauces, marinades, chutneys, drinks and desserts. It's also one of the ingredients of Worcestershire sauce. Tamarind has played an important role in traditional medicine. In beverage form, it was commonly used to treat diarrhea, constipation, fever and peptic ulcers. The bark and leaves were also used to promote wound healing. Modern researchers are now studying this plant for potential medicinal uses. The polyphenols in tamarind have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These can protect against diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Young leaves of the tree The seed extract may also help lower blood sugar, while the pulp extract may help you lose body weight and reverse fatty liver disease. Tamarind pulp can also be used as a metal polish. It contains tartaric acid, which helps remove tarnish from copper and bronze. Tamarind is high in many nutrients. A single cup (120 grams) of the pulp contains: Magnesium: 28% of the RDI. Potassium: 22% of the RDI. Iron: 19% of the RDI. Calcium: 9% of the RDI. Phosphorus: 14% of the RDI. Vitamin B1 (thiamin): 34% of the RDI. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 11% of the RDI. Vitamin B3 (niacin): 12% of the RDI. Trace amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folate, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), copper and selenium. It also contains 6 grams of fiber, 3 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat. This comes with a total of 287 calories, almost all of which are from sugar.
The fruit can grow quite large. In fact, a single cup of tamarind contains 69 grams of carbs in the form of sugar, which is equivalent to 17.5 teaspoons of sugar. Despite its sugar content, tamarind pulp is considered a fruit, not an added sugar — the kind that's linked to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes However, tamarind is pretty high in calories compared to many other fruit, which may be a problem for people who are trying to control calorie intake. You can also find the pure fruit in many forms: Pressed block: To make these, the shell and seeds are removed and the pulp is compressed into a block. These blocks are one step away from raw tamarind. The concentrate: Tamarind concentrate is pulp that has been boiled down. Preservatives may also be added. This fruit may boost heart health in several ways. It contains polyphenols like flavonoids, some of which can help regulate cholesterol levels. One study in hamsters with high cholesterol found that tamarind fruit extract lowered total cholesterol, LDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglycerides. The antioxidants in this fruit can help reduce oxidative damage to LDL cholesterol, which is a key driver of heart disease. Tamarind pulp contains plant compounds that may help lower blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects.

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