Friday, April 24, 2020

A garden from scratch in six months

We needed to grow a garden from scratch So we went to Lalbagh and bought some bougainvillea and grasses. In Bangalore, one does not have to look far, friends are on the ready to give you heaps of extras. I had sold two flats and bought a flat in town instead. There was no garden, just a dusty, dirty strip of cement so we decided to take it in hand.
We always buy the Snow Princess which is Dads favourite For some reason Dad loved this pristine white colour. Never one of my favourites as the bright reds or lilacs are really my scene.
From our home on Castle Street. The plants have thrived in the restaurant ambiance. Deep green foliage plants which can be found as exotics in Kew Gardens, London and which my son was quite unimpressed with when he was first taken there -- oh all these are in Gramps garden he said!
A bleeding heart has decided to climb the betel nut which was left behind by the previous owners. It has the most beautiful little flowers in red and white which are heart shaped. It grows like a huge screen of flowers in our farm in Hoskote. But then, anything grows in Hoskote.
Yellow Crab claws a gift from a school buddy They have just happily sprouted with beautiful new leaves there.Anything which is special which I bring to the garden where I live is decimated by the duffer sibling and the urinating dogs. At last I have a garden to do as I please minus destructive dogs and humans.
Best of all the papaya and avocado. Both plants I put down have sprung up so beautifully. At last I have my very own papaya and avocado which are thriving and growing peacefully in the new place. No manager, no dogs, no jealous green eyed siblings who prefer buying their fruit rather than harvesting their own and worse their spouses who have never grown up enjoying a garden. Like the servants say -- its a garden filled with loved unlike here. And the same compost was used, the same hands planted them the same water hydrated them. The green eyed monster was missing.


  1. What a lovely piece! There seems to be hope for me and my garden then?

  2. Ofcourse. Please do just give them some time everyday and they respond to your touch. Ofcourse they need some home made wet waste compost. Easy enough to make.
