Tuesday, January 4, 2022

My dream project !


Look at that black gold we get for free!

My dream project is ready to take off – An Educational Foundation to teach Sustainable Methods of Living to the next generation. Like they famously say when one door closes another opens. My Doc son has stopped my teaching in college given my comorbidity of diabetes and the covid situation and then BOOM! The US Old Boys whom I have worked with teaching the ISC kids for the last two years, were looking at a hands-on project. They were welcome to use my farm for free to educate the poor kids on the efficacy of sustainable living.

Absolutely my cup of tea! 

It's so easy if you want to do it!

Right here in our home on Hayes Road I have run a wet waste compost pit for the last 7 years which has fed the garden for free. A few of our apartment dwellers are environmentally conscious and throw their kitchen wet waste into the pit. Over the years the maali and I have perfected the art of composting quickly and safely.

The gloves help but thorns pierce them

Ofcourse we get the odd dweller who has no ethics and throws his dogs hair and poop into the pit. The sticks of spent roses which are full of thorns and hurt the hands of the maali through the gloves he and I wear. Those in their ignorance throw coconut husk and shells into the pit. Those take forever to compost and should just be discarded into the bins going out into the BBMP trash. But we shoulder on inspite of these cheap ignoramuses.

But by and large  we have very decent and caring residents and along with all the garden waste we compost the wet waste out of kitchens. This includes egg shells, banana skins, coffee grounds and tea leaves, watermelon rinds and pineapple skins. In the Mango season the mango skins MINUS the seeds because the seeds will germinate in the pit are composted!

It has not been easy in the building with owners who come from more ordinary backgrounds and do not follow the same sustainable ethics we were taught as kids. But here in my farm I am going to have a blast working with these Old Boys from the US and it will be a wonderful experience teaching kids how to protect and support mother nature as best they can.