Sunday, March 28, 2010

Presentation on World Water Day in Nairobi

The group of journalists who went to Mombasa together asked me to present on the World Water Day Celebrations in Nairobi. Having done presentations for two years in the Mundus and now with college and speed presentations, I downloaded my pics on the 23rd at 6am off my brand new pink camera and decided to make a quick presentation in my room incase no one else had. Did not take long, maybe 10 mins, but I wish I had more time.
Anyway I made the big mistake of asking a radio journo to take pics of me presenting with Archiem Steiner and the Prince of Orange in the audience no less and he took TWO pictures. TWO digital pictures, I almost cried! One was too shaken to keep and just this one.
Anyway, this gives me the experience to make a better presentation next time and anyway it was a good feeling that all that experience paid off!
By the way -- the white speck at the podium to the left of the screen is moi!