This weekend is going by in a haze of the conference in college called the Emergence of New Media held on the 12th and 13th March and assignments for The Hindu.But I would not change the way my life is taking me at the moment for anything. I get to interact with agile young minds and whatever I learn on my trips I pass on to them and they grasp it all like sponges. Makes me more alive on the trips cause I am looking and checking what might interest these young minds back home!
Then the great assignments I am so grateful to Mini of the Hindu for giving me. I throughly enjoy them and they keep me connected to my western classical music training and help me let my hair down enough to write different stuff from just science and climate change stories.They also give me that oppor to write entertainment or I'd be bored just doing science stuff.
Thats where the Opera in Bangalore happened last evening.It was a great experience, though I am not an opera fan!Salu was open to coming and so we had a great evening scoffing cheese and red wine(not diabetic old me)but I scoffed the cheese!And the opera had an auditorium which was PACKED from end to end.
Aren't I glad I am one of those early birds always.It seems to be a disease from Bonny and Steve's looks when I push going for Mass on time, but I cannot bear going late.
So half an hour early and we had the best seats in the house!
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