Monday, May 24, 2021

Sunbelt Bakery IRONMAN 70.3 Chattanooga

 Andrew, my second son who is a cardiologist, has never given up his athletic prowess from the time he was a young guy. So two years ago he asked for me to be present when he took part in the Sunbelt Bakery IRONMAN 70.3 Chattanooga. Chattanooga is just a two hour drive away from Knoxville where he lives with his family and so we drove down the night before and stayed in a lovely old wooden house which had been rented by his other teammates. The two women who were his team mates did the cycling and running leg while he handled the swim in the river. It was so exciting, all of us standing and watching and screaming for him from the sides.

The bridge over the river the athletes swim in!

My ticket was booked and I was set to leave for his race again a few days ago when the International lock down happened. He and I were terribly disappointed that I could not go, especially since this year he was attempting the whole race on his own. But his lovely wife, knowing how much it means to me sent me videos and  pictures so I did not feel truly sad.

Beginning at 06:45 AM he was racing an Olympic length race which is - 1.5k Swim | 40k Bike | 10k run. I don’t know how he does it and stand at the side watching him race, my heart thudding and in my mouth. But as he says, “Watch how many older people participate mum, you should give it a try. Look at their calves, their age is emblazoned there.”  65, 75, there were even 85 year old athletes, thats when I realised my 2k everyday is rubbish!  

The handsome champ -- so much like my Dad with his drive and athletic prowess/

Chattanooga, in Tennessee is a gorgeous city with dramatic scenery, idyllic weather and low-key southern charm. Thousands of athletes participate and stay on after the race like us, exploring and enjoying the great outdoors. 

The run leg!

“This Sunbelt Bakery IRONMAN 70.3 Chattanooga, offers the perfect training opportunity, for those seeking a half-distance race opportunity,” says Andy while we sat around the huge dining table enjoying meatballs and spaghetti cooked by one of his team mates. We had taken a huge punnet of strawberries from COSTCO and a Tiramisu dessert, which everyone tucked into, except for me.

Just out of the river and removing his wet suit.