Am on a visit to the UK to my older son David's home. He has a brand new home which is in dire need of the garden being done up. The first thing I was keen on was to grow hanging baskets. So off we went to a garden centre and bought a couple of baskets from there. We also bought a bag of compost, little realising that at the end of the garden there was a lot of old composted grass!
Each basket needed a fair bit of soil, so I dug out some compost from the back and filled the base of the baskets. Then I poured in both baskets and equal amount of compost from the bag. It looked pretty much like ours except that it was sieved!
We had bought trays of Petunias which we put down into the baskets. Both trays were identical so that we got both baskets looking pretty much the same. Take a look at the initial picture.

In no time the little plants that I put down grew double their size and began to peep out of the baskets. Have a look, its fun to make baskets but I agree you need the British summer weather to maintain them!