At the Future Energy Seminar at Samso Island we were gifted limited edition Lego sets by Vestas of a Wind Turbine.We all thought about the kids we had left at home who would LOVE them as gifts. Being Christmas time it was the perfect Christmas gift for my Steven who is 20 but I was sure would love the set.
However - I never anticipated the rush of sudden star status I achieved just carrying the box home! At the Copenhagen airport itself I had a really loud American who was before me in the Q to check in suddenly start up a conversation and even ask if I was willing to sell the set to him. He was a collector he said and had a MAERSK limited edition set as well!
In my seat another guy from Brussels talked over the occupant of the middle seat about the set and was almost drooling when he looked at the outside of the large box throughly.The lady who sat in the centre finally just got up and moved to an empty seat elsewhere once the flight took off.
On the flight from Paris to Bangalore too I had a Frenchman who sat next to me smile widely when he very willingly put the box up in the overhead bins and took it down in Bangalore for me.
There are all these ads and as the legend goes, its a beautiful woman who draws the most attention from men. However after this experience I am very sure all men are still just little boys at heart and there's nothing like a Lego set to get them all excited and a little envious of your sons Christmas gift!